Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Don't Tell Joan!

Councillor John Taylor, the long serving Labour councillor for Dukinfield and Deputy Leader of Tameside Council, has a habit of sticking his foot in with his classic letters to the local press. In the past, Taylor has wrote to the Tameside Reporter boasting of his holiday to Benidorm where he saw "Sticky Vicky" and recommended that she should do a show in Stalybridge. Admittedly, they have got slightly better of late as they are now sub-edited by Tameside Council press officer and cheerleader in chief, Mike Pavasovic.

It's a surprise that Councillor John Taylor doesn't ask Mike Pavasovic to edit his Tweets as he made sexual advances towards another Labour Party member on Twitter. She Tweeted about a sex tip she had saw in the Cosmopolitan Magazine which read:

"Raw chillies in your mouth while giving head can really add spice to your sex life. #fakecosmosextips"

Our respected Deputy Leader, who is married to his wife Joan, responded by asking her to get in bed with him!

"@Lefty_Lisa lisa go to bed or call round and see me ."

A picture can be found below, but you can view the conversation on Twitter here.

In the past we have seen celebrities like Jason Manford for posting lewd tweets in private resign from their jobs. Can you see John Taylor resign? Well like all other councillors, Taylor has no talent to fall back on. His only job is to work at the council where he gets a reported £35,135 a year as deputy leader and that excludes any external bodies he sits on. And that Spanish villa he just bought isn't going to pay for itself now is it?